Wedding Song 4 U is a company designed for the sole purpose of helping couples who
are looking for a creative wedding ceremony with that perfect wedding song, to give
ultimate meaning to their marriage vows. We exist to help you make magic happen.
Wedding Song 4 U gives the Bride and Groom to be, a customized and
personalized song taken from your very own thoughts of love for each other.
Written in the style of your favorite love song, professional recording artists and songwriters will guide you
through the process of elegantly expressing your feelings and will weave those feelings into the creation of the
perfect wedding song for your wedding celebration. Your wedding song will capture the essence of your
once-in-a-lifetime, unique wedding ceremony and can also be given as a wedding favor or thank
you to your guests, as well as being the soundtrack for a beautiful, digital photographic slide show of your
wedding photos.
Let Wedding Song 4 U make yours a perfect wedding.
Songwriters for Wedding Song 4 U
Rebeca Randle is one of our masterful composers and is also co-founder of
Wedding Song 4 U. Rebeca is an extremely experienced songwriter and has
performed for several years as the lead vocalist with Rebeca & David. You can
hear both her beautiful voice and elegant writing style at www.rebecaanddavid.com
Rebeca has received International radio airplay with her GlobalMusic
release, "Open." She has recorded over seven CDs in her career, mostly of music
she has written. Rebeca has recorded many publishing demos for record labels such
as A & M, Warner Bros., Universal, and others.
Kashif, Grammy Award winning producer of Whitney Houston, George Benson,
Kenny G, had this to say about Rebeca, "Rebeca's voice is better than most of what
you hear on the radio today!"
Rebeca Randle
David Randle is the other of our world-class composers and is the other co-founder of
Wedding Song 4 U. David is both an amazing composer and record producer. He is
currently performing with Rebeca as the lead guitarist with Rebeca & David. You can also hear his superb guitar
work and accomplished composing skills at www.rebecaanddavid.com
David has a remarkable performance history as his musical group, The Brain Police, performed and
toured with rock'n'roll luminaries such as Cream (Eric Clapton,) The Who, Steppenwolf, Jefferson Airplane,
Buffalo Springfield (Neil Young and Stephen Stills,) Eric Burdon & The
Animals, The Byrds (David Crosby,) and Strawberry Alarm Clock.David is also a quality producer so you can rest
assured that after your song is written, the recording will be excellent.
David Randle